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Connect via VPN on Windows

Step 1: FortiClient Download

You can download FortiClient for SSL-VPN connections right here by using one of the provided links. There is a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version available. If you don't know what system your computer is running on you're welcome to use this link here.

In case the download does not work, please login to the wiki first

FortiClient for 32-bit systems: forticlientvpnsetup_6.4.6.1658.exe
FortiClient for 64-bit systems: forticlientvpnsetup_6.4.6.1658_x64.exe

Step 2: FortiClient installation

  1. After you have successfully downloaded FortiClient in the suitable version for your operating system, start the installation by right-clicking the downloaded file and select “Run as administrator”. Please not, your user required administrative privileges for this. You will potentially be prompted to enter username and password of a user with adminstrator permissions.
  2. At this stage, it could happen that an error message pops up (e.g. “Process unexpectedly failed” or alike) and the installation fails. In that case, please try again. Most of the time it will then work.
  3. The installation setup window opens. Accept the license agreement and click on “next”.
  4. IMPORTANT! On some systems there is the possibility to choose between a “Complete installation” and “VPN only”. If you have a choice, please choose “VPN only”, because otherwise problems with anti virus programs of other software vendors may arise.
  5. Click on “next” to install FortiClient within the standard location (this is the recommended option).
  6. Click on “Install”. FortiClient is now being installed.
  7. After successful completion of the installation click on “Finish”.
  8. Congratulations, the installation of FortiClient is complete. It is already pre-configured to allow connections to OTH Regensburg. You will now find a shortcut to FortiClient on your Desktop.

Step 3: Establish a connection

  1. In order to establish a connection via VPN to OTH Regensburg, start FortiClient by double-clicking the shortcut on the Desktop (or select FortiClient in the start menu).
  2. A FortiClient window opens up.
  3. Within the taskbar you will find a green shield symbol with a white arrow, which shows the current status of the VPN connection. The VPN tunnel is not up and running.
  4. Enter your username and NDS-identifier (e.g. abc12345) as well as your personal password into the designated input fields within the user interface. Click on “Connect”.
  5. After the connection has successfully been established, the symbol in the taskbar will change. In front of the green shield you will be able to spot a lock symbol. As soon as you can see this symbol, you are connected to the network of OTH Regensburg via VPN.
  6. After the first connection was established Windows will ask how the connection should be configured. Please choose “Public network” here.
  7. To disconnect from the VPN tunnel, right-click on the green shield with the lock symbol and choose “Disconnect OTH-REGENSBURG”.

Instructions for other operating systems