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Network drives at the HS.R

For joint and independent work on different computers you can use network drives of the university of applied sciences, on which you can store your Data. Each registered user possesses its own drive, which is indicated with the letter G:\. By default this network drive can be accessed by the respective user only. No other User can read or change the data - however you can change read and write permissions.

Altogether the following drives are available:

  • F:\ - installation files for university-used software
  • G:\ - home-drive for the respective user; with a quota of 10GB
  • H:\ - department specific and general data
  • K:\ - for german “Kurs” english “course”; listings of professors e.g. for lecture data
  • P:\ - “projects”; for faculty-referred data, e.g. projects and laboratories
  • S:\ - “software”; general drive for software, which is used in the university
  • Profile - (no own drive letter) your local user directory in the CIP pools, in which own files, download and anything similiar is stored. The profile files will be copied to the computer when you are logging in; therefore the quota is only 1GB.
  • Student - drive, on which you can do filesharing (read & write)

The RZ only supports windows computers as operating systems. The instructions to Linux & MacOS are available as assistance. These instructions require a connection to the net of the HS.R - e.g. connected by VPN or logged in the WLAN of the university.

If you do not want to use VPN it is recommended to connect via WebDAV.

On the drives a virus scanner is active, which automatically shifts affected files into quarantine area. These files will be deleted after 60 days. You can request the release of quarantined files if needed.

Computers in the HSR-Domain (CIP-Pools & new PersonalComputers)

If the computer is in the domain (in the Login-Screen it says “Anmelden bei: HSR”), you will automatically get the network drives assigned in your Windows-Explorer after log in.

Map network drive

Open the dialogue

  • 1. Click the Start button
  • 2. In the search box, type This PC, then select This PC from the search results.
  • 3. Click Computer and then click Map network drive.

  • 4. A new Window will open:

Enter Network Drive path

Select a free drive letter in the map dialogue and insert a network path into the Folder box. The format of the path should be like this:


The following drive paths exist:

F: \\\soft1
G: \\\home\abc12345 (abc12345 needs to be replaced by your RZ-username)
H: \\\fb
K: \\\kurs
P: \\\projekte
S: \\\software
   \\\profile\abc12345.V2 (abc12345 needs to be replaced by your RZ-username)

Because of a clearance the old network drive K can be accessed by using

   \\\kurs-alt (old course drive with existing data, only reading)

If the drive should be connected automatically after each restart, make sure to check the “Reconnect at sign-in”-box.

Important Users who do not register at the domain, need to check the “Connect with different credentials”. If it is not checked, Windows will try to connect to the network drive using your Windows-Account.

Benutzername & Passwort

Nach einem Klick auf “Fertig stellen” fragt Windows Sie nach ihrem Benutzernamen und Kennwort. Wichtig: Geben Sie den Benutzernamen im Format

ein. Der Haken “Anmeldedaten speichern” ist beim automatischen Verbinden nach einem Neustart sinnvoll, da Sie sonst jedes Mal nach Ihrem Passwort gefragt werden würden.

Der Anmeldedialog


Wenn alles geklappt hat, sollten Sie nun ein neues Laufwerk sehen:

Das fertig eingehängte Netzlaufwerk

Verbinden per Kommandozeile (Windows, Linux)

Falls Sie ein Laufwerk per Kommandozeile oder Skript verbinden möchten, ist der zugehörige Befehl:


net use <Laufwerksbuchstabe>: \\fs-<name>\<name> /

bzw. in Powershell:

New-PSDrive -Name "<Laufwerksbuchstabe>" -Root "\\fs-<name>\<name>" -Persist -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential


net use K: \\\kurs /
New-PSDrive -Name "K" -Root "\\\kurs" -Persist -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential


Für das Einbinden der Netzlaufwerke unter Linux Distributionen muss der CIFS-Teil des Samba Projektes installiert sein. In der Regel nennt sich das zugehörige Paket cifs-utils, welches mit dem jeweiligen Paketmanager zu installieren ist.

# mount -t cifs //fs-<name><name> /mnt/<name> -o,user=abc12345