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What is a Profile

Windows Default: Local

Under Windows different settings and program data is saved within the UserProfile. A logged in user can find his profile under


CIP-Pool: Serverprofile

On the CIP pool computers so-called “Roaming profiles” and/or server-stored user profiles are used, i.e. the user profile fetches the profile from


and copies it to the local directory while logging in. When logging out the local listing is copied the server. Thus all settings are available on all CIP pool computers.

Advantage of a server-stored profile

  • Your personal desktop is the same on every CIP-Pool computer.

Disadvantage of a server-stored profile

  • The duration of the computer registration depends on the profile size, since this must be copied only locally.

Notes to server-stored profiles

  • Since you userprfile is being copied with every registration, the quota is 1 GB.
  • A Virusscanner is aktiv on the profilestorage, it quarantines infected Files automatically. These Files, which are being quarantined, are deleted after 30 days.
Please do not save important Data like final papers in your profile! Save them in your G:-drive, since you can restore the Data easily in this folder.

Make Userprofile smaller & faster Loggin Time

To accelerate the computer registration you should make your user profile smaller under C:\USERS\<username>. In addition delete files from your profile, which are not necessary any longer, and/or shift you files on your G: - Drive. Examine the following directorys in particular:

  • Desktop - This folder should only contain links to Data and Programms.
  • Downloads - sometimes large downloaded Data is in this folder, shift it to your G:-Drive if you still need it.

Reset Userprofile

If your userprofile should be damaged or your log in takes long time, you can ask the datacenters Infopoint(“Infostand”) for assistance. They are able to reset your Profile. Should the Infopoint be unreachable, you can reset your Profile yourself!

You can detect a defect profile, if the default-Background is not there anymore or if it is black. Additionaly you are not able to open any windows. Maybe the error-message:

Server can not be found


This does not inidicate that the servers of the university are not attainable, but an internal Windows error. In order to continue working, the profile must be reseted. This behavior arises very rarely and is an error of Windows. It partly comes to complications, if the computer is simply switched off.

By deleting your profile alle personal program-settings are lost! Save your Data to the G:-Drive first!

To reset your Profile yourself two CIP-Pool computers are needed. Follow these instructions:

  1. Register on PC-1 (whether with or withour Error-Message).
  2. Delete the contents of the folder \\\storage\Profile\<username>.V2 via PC-1 (IMPORTANT: Delete all hidden files, such as systemdata)
  3. Register on PC-2 (You will receive a new Default-Profile).
  4. Log off of PC-1 (you Userprofile will be synchronised).
  5. Delete the contents of the folder \\\storage\Profile\<username>.V2 again via PC-2 (IMPORTANT: Delete all hidden files, such as systemdata)
  6. Log off of PC-2

You Profile is now reseted.