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Central server configuration file

The OTH Regensburg provides for SAPGUI prefabricated central server configuraition files, so that a manual configuration of the single systems is not necessary.

PlatinGUI 7.40 and newer

Click on the program icon (above in the left corner) and choose the item “Optionen…”.

Please click on the panel “XML-Konfigurationsdatei auf Server” and insert this link:

You should see the systems after the restart of SAPLOGON.

Configurationfile saplogon.ini (old method)

You can download the prefabricated configurationfile saplogon.ini from Software-Laufwerk. Please copy the file in the following directory: (C:\Windows)

User of Windows 7 should place the saplogon.ini with going User Account Control (UAC) at this point:


In addition you find on the Software-Laufwerk the appropiate link-up to the SAP-Systems. Copy this shortcut on the desktop.

Manual configuration


Create a desktop short-cut with the following parameters:

Destination: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\SAPgui.exe\ /H/
Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui

Entries in the logonpad

Click in the register “Systeme” on the button Neuer Eintrag… and than on the key Weiter. Enter the following data :

Description: Standardsystem
Application Server: R50Z
System number: 50
System-ID: R50
SAP-Router-String: /H/


Create a shortcut with the subsequent parameters:

Destination: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\SAPgui.exe /H/
Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui

Entries in the Logonpad

Click in the register System on the following button Neuer Eintrag… and than on the key Weiter. Enter the following parameters:

Description: IDES
Application Server: A49Z
System number: 49
System-ID: A49
SAP-Router-String: /H/

Other systems

Description: Business Information Warehouse
Application Server: A40z
System number: 40
System-ID: A40
SAP-Router-String: /H/

Description: Business Information Warehouse (alt)
Application server: A67z
System number: 67
System-ID: A67
SAP-Router-String: /H/

Descprition: IS-H
Application Server: A51z
System number: 51
System-ID: A51
SAP-Router-String: /H/

Description: IDES SCM
Application Server: M71z
System number: 71
System-ID: M71
SAP-Router-String: /H/

Description: SCM
Application Server: R71z
System number: 71
System-ID: R71
SAP-Router-String: /H/