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Here you can find all instructions for connecting WLan from the OTH Regensburg.
1. As a Windows user you have to download and install WLANConfig. The root ceritificate Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 will be installed.(It is not necessary if you use an other operating systems.)
2. Choose the WLan with SSID „“ and PEAP, WPA2.
3. Username and password:
Username: abc12345 Password: <current RZ-Password>
4. Connecting WLan
5. If you have any problems check your technical characteristics.
At the moment a connection can't be established with eduroam and/or secure.hs under Windows 11 without the following registry patch!
Hint: to download the file you have to right-click on the file and select save as or save link as (according to your browser).
Then open the file with a **double-click**.
Hint: If you can't execute the file, check the file extentsion. Some browsers do save the file as '*.txt' instead of '*.reg'. If so, fix it.
Normally Windows doesn't show file extensions - this can be changed in the explorer settings.
Linux (Manual) Unofficial
WiFi Connenction Instructions for iPhone (Manual)
WiFi Connenction Instructions for Android (Manual) Unofficial
WiFi Connenction Instructions for WindowsPhone (Manual) Unofficial
WiFi Connenction Instructions for Symbian OS, Nokia (Manual) Unofficial
WiFi Connenction Instructions for BlackBerry (Manual) Unofficial
The two wireless networks and are configured with the following identical characteristics:
Das zur Serverauthentifizierung erforderliche Root Zertifikat der Deutschen Telekom wird - falls nicht vorhanden - in den Computer-Zertifikatsspeicher “vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen” installiert.